Kundalini Yoga Mantras: A Beginners Guide to Chanting

Mantras are an essential part of Kundalini yoga, offering a way to calm the mind, connect with your inner self, and elevate your practice. If you’re new to Kundalini yoga, the idea of chanting might feel unfamiliar or even intimidating. This guide will help you understand what mantras are, how they’re used in Kundalini yoga, and why they’re so powerful—even for complete beginners.

What are Mantras?

A mantra is a word, sound, or phrase repeated during meditation or yoga to focus the mind and uplift the spirit. In Kundalini yoga, mantras are often in Gurmukhi, an ancient sacred language, and are infused with specific vibrations that resonate with your energy centers, or chakras.

Mantras work on a subtle level by:

  • Shifting Energy: The vibrations of the sound impact your body and mind.
  • Focusing the Mind: Repetition helps clear mental clutter.
  • Connecting Spiritually: Mantras create a bridge to deeper awareness and consciousness.

Why are Mantras important in Kundalini yoga?

1. Activate Your Energy Centers

Chanting mantras helps awaken the dormant Kundalini energy at the base of the spine, encouraging it to flow through your chakras and align your energy.

2. Quiet the Mind

When you chant, your mind becomes focused on the sound and rhythm, helping you release stress and anxiety.

3. Elevate Your Vibration

Mantras in Kundalini yoga are designed to uplift your vibration, promoting positive feelings and spiritual growth.

Common Kundalini Mantras for Beginners

Here are some beginner-friendly mantras you’ll encounter in Kundalini yoga, along with their meanings and uses:

1. Sat Nam (Truth is My Identity)

  • Pronunciation: Saht Nahm
  • Purpose: This is the most fundamental mantra in Kundalini yoga, often used to close classes or during meditation. It helps you connect with your true self.
  • How to Use: Chant it slowly, emphasizing the vibration of “Sat” and “Nam.”

2. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (I Bow to the Creative Wisdom, I Bow to the Divine Teacher Within)

  • Pronunciation: Ong Nah-moh Goo-roo Dayv Nah-moh
  • Purpose: This is the Adi Mantra, chanted at the beginning of each Kundalini yoga session to tune into your higher self and the wisdom of the practice.
  • How to Use: Sit quietly, close your eyes, and repeat it three times to center yourself.

3. Wahe Guru (Ecstasy is the Consciousness that Transforms Me)

  • Pronunciation: Wah-hay Goo-roo
  • Purpose: This mantra expresses joy, awe, and the experience of moving from darkness to light.
  • How to Use: Chant it rhythmically during meditation or a kriya for uplifting energy.

4. Sa Ta Na Ma (Birth, Life, Death, Rebirth)

  • Pronunciation: Sah Tah Nah Mah
  • Purpose: This mantra is part of the various meditations and is used to clear subconscious blocks and promote balance. These sounds are considere to be the five primary sounds of the universe.
  • How to Use: Depending on the meditation you may chant it aloud, whisper it, or even repeat it silently in your head. 

How to Get Started with Mantra Chanting

1. Don’t Worry About Perfection

It’s okay if you don’t get the pronunciation exactly right at first. If you haven’t learned the mantra yet, then just make a noise (e.g. hum) whilst the mantra plays in the background. Focus on feeling the vibration of your own voice and letting that sound resonate with you. 

2. Create a Comfortable Space

Find a quiet spot where you can chant without distractions. You can sit on a yoga mat, cushion, or chair. 

3. Start Small

Begin with just a few minutes of chanting. Over time, you can increase the length as you become more comfortable.

4. Use Guided Resources

Follow a Kundalini yoga teacher or use online videos to learn proper pronunciations and rhythm.


What does Chanting feel like?

For many beginners, chanting mantras creates a sense of calm and focus. Some people describe it as soothing, while others feel energized and uplifted. The key is to keep an open mind and let the experience unfold naturally. The most powerful sound for you is your voice, so this is an opportunity to give it focus.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mantra Chanting

1. Do I Need to Be Spiritual to Chant Mantras?

Not at all! While mantras have spiritual roots, they are tools for focus, relaxation, and energy work that anyone can use.

2. Can I Chant Mantras Silently?

Yes! If you feel self-conscious, you can chant silently in your mind. The vibrations still have a powerful effect.

3. How Long Should I Chant for?

Start with 3-5 minutes and gradually increase to 11 minutes or more as you get comfortable. Your teacher will time you depending on the Kriya you are doing. Some mantras (or the kriyas they accompany) are so powerful that they should not be done for too long – so make sure to follow the guidance of your teacher.


Chanting mantras in Kundalini yoga is a powerful way to connect with your inner self, calm your mind, and elevate your energy. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, spiritual growth, or simply a new way to enhance your yoga practice, mantras are an accessible and transformative tool.

Ready to dive deeper into Kundalini yoga? Explore more on Kundalini Yoga vs. Other Yoga Practices: What Makes ItDifferent to see how Kundalini yoga stands out.

Take your first step with chanting and discover the profound peace and power it can bring to your life.


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